Categories: Gastroenterology

Effects of Veganism

Effects of Veganism

Thinking about going vegan? It’s an admirable choice for those looking to live their lives without inflicting harm on others. However, while it may seem that entirely avoiding animal products should be a healthy dietary choice, it is important to know what kinds of worries and dangers you might encounter in the process. No matter what your dietary choices, it is important to keep your health and safety at the forefront at all times. Many people dive into the vegan lifestyle without doing proper research first, and this can get them into trouble.

Incomplete Proteins

When going vegan, it is important to find good sources of protein to replace meat, eggs, and other traditional sources. For most people, this means turning to soy based products, nuts, lentils, rice, and other plant-based protein sources. While these are a good source of protein, none of them contain all of the amino acids your body needs, making them “incomplete proteins.”Proteins are vital in detoxifying your body and rebuilding muscles and organs. Be sure to vary your protein sources throughout the day to ensure you are getting a proper balance of amino acids and keep yourself healthy.

Excessive Fiber

Fiber is an important component of any diet, and many people do not get enough fiber in their diets. Going vegan means eating a plant-based diet, which can greatly increase the amount of fiber you intake. This sudden change can cause a variety of digestive problems, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Make sure you adjust your body to a higher fiber intake over a period of time to help avoid these issues. Remember, fiber needs water to work properly, so make sure you are staying hydrated throughout the day.

Poor Nutrient Absorption

While there are many essential nutrients in plant-based food, it is often harder for your body to process them. Iron and calcium are found abundantly in certain plants, but your body will have much greater trouble absorbing them from these sources. This can quickly lead to you feeling weak, ill, and otherwise impacting your health. If you experience problems like these, Dr. Davidson may suggest adding nutrient supplements to ensure you are getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals each day.

Weight Loss

Fruits and vegetables are often low in calories. As a result, people transitioning to a vegan lifestyle will often find themselves losing weight. It is important to provide your body with enough fuel to operate properly. For most people, a 2,000 calorie diet will help them maintain their current weight. Make sure to add in higher-calorie options such as avocados and nuts to prevent unwanted weight loss.

No matter what your reasons for choosing a vegan diet, be sure to discuss this drastic change with Dr. Davidson before proceeding. He can help you determine what, if any, health problems you may encounter and work with you to create a plan to avoid them or mitigate their effects.

Remember that sometimes it can take a while for you to realize there are problems with your new vegan diet as your body will naturally try to adapt to any food source. If you feel ill, have sudden weight loss, or experience any other worrying symptoms, make an appointment with Dr. Davidson right away. Remember, your health is the most important thing and should always be made a priority.

Ready to transition to a vegan diet? Call us today to make an appointment to discuss this radical change with Dr. Davidson to make sure you are doing the best for yourself and the world.

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Mark M. Davidson, MD