TMJ Center of Los Angeles

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction



To understand pelvic floor dysfunction, we must, in fact, understand what the pelvic floor is. The pelvic floor is a sheet of muscle and tissues that span across and support a variety of pelvic organs. A pelvic floor dysfunction is a disorder in which the pelvic floor tissues do not support the organs which they are designed to support. Pelvic floor disorders usually cause inconveniences such as incontinence or organ prolapse. Incontinence is defined as an inability to control your bodily functions, either urinary or fecal. A prolapsed organ is one that hangs out of place exactly the way a proper organ shouldn’t, and may even be visible outside the body. Most people consider experiencing either condition an unpleasant situation.


There are many reasons why a pelvic floor dysfunction may arise. The most prominent cause is childbirth. Childbirth is a physically traumatic event, it can cause nerve tissue and muscle damage. Another common cause is obesity. Obesity places greater stress on musculoskeletal structures. Alterations to the body such as plastic surgery or radiotherapy can also be culprits. Think of the body as a bridge: a bridge is meant to bear a certain amount of weight. Overexerting that bridge by placing excess weight on it will cause it to collapse and fail.


  • Muscle spasms in the pelvic region
  • Pain or pressure in the rectum or vagina
  • A “heavy” feeling in the rectum or vagina
  • Frequent urges to urinate
  • Painful urination
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Straining, pain, or other difficulty during bowel movements
  • Constipation


There are many treatments available to cure pelvic floor disorders. Depending on the severity of the condition, some disorders can be relieved with exercises, therapy, or oral medications. More severe cases will require reconstructive surgery or advanced medical techniques from Dr. Davidson’s repertoire. Heat and cold, laser, connective tissue manipulation, and biofeedback are some of the many options available for restoring you and your organs to full health.

Dr. Davidson’s office is a place where patients go to find answers and solutions to their health conditions in a safe and comfortable environment. Dr. Davidson is kind and caring professional, who responds to the unique needs of every patient.  

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