TMJ Center of Los Angeles

How Often Should Patients Move Their Bowels?


Dr. Davidson is a leading gastroenterologist in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. He has dedicated his life to studying and practicing gastroenterology. His commitment to providing the highest quality of care is apparent and appreciated by patients and staff. One common complaint among patients suffering from gastrointestinal problems is constipation. Certainly, constipation is a growing problem for people of all ages. Generally, this is due to unhealthy elements of our modern lifestyle, such as not getting enough exercise and poor nutrition. Many patients complain about going for a day or longer without a healthy bowel movement. How often should patients move their bowels?

What is a Normal Bowel Movement?

Dr. Davidson concurs that the majority of patients that walk into their doctor’s office complaining about constipation have mistaken expectations about regular bowel movements. Generally, they assume that it’s normal to have a bowel movement daily. If they miss a day or two, they panic and complain to the doctor. The fact is that people differ and the frequency of bowel movements varies. One individual might have two or three bowel movements daily and this is perfectly normal, while another individual might only have two or three bowel movements a week. Consequently, it is not constructive to compare your bowel movements to other individuals. Instead, you must find the frequency that works for you.

What Causes Constipation

The reason for constipation depends on the lifestyle of the individual, their age, and other factors. Statistics show that constipation is prevalent among people who don’t get enough fiber in their diets. In addition, living a sedentary lifestyle, taking certain medications, or not drinking enough water leads to constipation. It is important to note that constipation might also signal a more serious medical condition. Consult a gastroenterologist for more information.

Ways to Increase Bowel Movements

The fact is that certain foods contribute to constipation, including highly processed foods, creams, ice creams, and meat products. Reduce the amount of these foods in your diet to promote healthy bowel movements. It is also important to eat more fiber, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and beans. Also, increase your daily consumption of liquids, including water, herbal tea, and fruit juices.

If you have more questions about constipation or gastroenterology concerns, contact Dr. Davidson.

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