TMJ Center of Los Angeles

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Gut Health

When we make new year’s resolutions they often consist of gym memberships, learning a new skill, or perhaps saving more money or cutting down credit card debt.

Health is another popular subject when it comes to new year’s resolutions, which is why Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health thought we would focus on some resolutions that will help you maintain a healthy gut, which is pivotal in maintaining your overall health and wellness.

Read on for a few ways to optimize your gut health in 2019.

1.) Eat More Fermented Foods

Eating fermented foods like kimchi, yogurt, kefir, or even sauerkraut will give your diet rich amounts of good bacteria — this will give you numerous digestive health rewards. Fermented foods are rich in probiotics which help improve digestive functionality, boost your immunity, and help you stay at a healthy body weight.

2.) Reduce Stress Levels

Keeping a healthy body and mind is crucial in maintaining overall health, not to mention your gut health. Your mind and your gut are more closely related than you might realize. Study after study supports the idea that psychological stress can cause a gut response that alters the bacterial balance of your gut in a negative way. When you reduce stress, meditate, practice yoga, and eat healthy foods you can bet on your gut having a healthy response.

3.) Schedule an Appointment with Your Gastroenterologist

Seeing your gastroenterologist doesn’t have to be an occasion when you’re dealing with symptoms or pain. We provide preventive services that will help you stay on top of your health and wellness, not to mention treat any gastrointestinal problems that arise throughout the year.

Beverly Hills Center for Digestive Health has always been committed to creating trusting relationships with our patients. Each patient is special and gets treatment that is always custom-tailored to fit their needs. We know we can make a real difference in our patients lives by providing innovative, life-changing treatments and services for conditions such as hemorrhoids, gallstones, fecal incontinence, constipation, and more. We’re here to help boost your wellness and vitality from the inside out year-round.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We’re happy to have the opportunity to help improve your life in 2019!

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